Relieve Pain
Restore Energy
Improve Health
Acupuncture Services
Initial Visit::
In our initial visit, we take time for an extended intake including a detailed review of health history and any current relevant medical exams/lab work. From this, we generate a customized treatment plan. Most commonly, for maximum effectiveness, appointments should be once or twice a week for 4-6 sessions depending on severity. This visit includes our initial acupuncture therapy session. In addition to acupuncture the session may also include; Gua-sha (myofascial release) cupping, and infrared heat therapy.
Follow-Up Visit::
The session begins with a discussion of the changes and improvements experienced by our previous session(s) and we update and calibrate our treatment plan.
Injection Therapy::
Whole-body wellness depends on receiving the right nutrients into the cells. Injection therapy bypasses the digestive system offering direct absorption of the homeopathic or vitamin straight to the source.
What conditions does Acupuncture treat?
Patients come to Acupuncture for many reasons. Acupuncture is a full medical approach to health care and can treat anything from a toothache to irritable bowel syndrome to migraine headaches. I see many people for pain symptoms like back pain, neck pain, or headaches…almost any kind of pain. I also see people for peri-menopausal symptoms of hot flashes, and insomnia. This week my visits included treatment for low back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, hot flashes, adrenal fatigue, knee pain and depression.
Here in the states, acupuncture has grown into what is now a common form of pain management therapy in many clinics and hospitals. The National Health Interview and Survey (NHIS) 2002 revealed that 1.1% (approximately two million) of the American adults had used acupuncture in the past 12 months. By 2007, this number had expanded to three million, a 50% increase in the five years. Interestingly enough, Americans still are less likely to use acupuncture than their counterparts in Australia, UK, Norway, and Denmark. This could be due to interference by the American Medical Association (AMA).
National Institutes of Health (NIH) studies have shown that acupuncture is an effective treatment alone or in combination with conventional therapies to treat the following:
Nausea caused by surgical anesthesia and cancer chemotherapy
Dental pain after surgery
Anxiety and Depression
Menstrual cramps
Tennis elbow
Myofascial pain
Low back pain
Carpal tunnel syndrome
It may also help with stroke rehabilitation.
Does Acupuncture hurt?
Each person has their own response to acupuncture. In general, the initial visit is more gentle to see how the patient responds to the treatment. Most people report feeling the needle briefly and then a sense of relaxation. Because the treatment activates our parasympathetic nervous system (rest and repair as opposed to fight or flight) most experience a significant reduction of anxiety and stress.
How do you treat the ailment(s)?
Each person and situation is unique. I mainly treat patients with acupuncture and physical therapies such as cupping, and gua sha (myofascial release). Depending on the ailment, I can also add Cold Laser Therapy, Point Injection Therapy, and Yoga Therapy as well. I find that children respond well to the cold laser over acupuncture.
How does an acupuncturist make a diagnosis?
All symptoms are discussed with the patient and then diagnosis is made based on symptoms and signs as well as tongue and pulse diagnosis. Acupuncturists can also read all available lab work, and often recommend further diagnostic testing if needed. If you have MRI or other test results please bring a copy with you to your initial appointment.
What is Point Injection therapy?
If you suffer from acute and chronic pain, especially in the shoulder, back, knees, or neck, Acupuncture Point Injection, or Acupoint Injection Therapy (AIT), may be a solution for you. What is AIT? It’s an integrative therapy that blends the best of Chinese medicine with conventional and homeopathic medicine. AIT-certified acupuncture physicians inject natural therapeutic substances, such as homeopathic remedies like Traumeel, or vitamins like B-12, into acupuncture points specific to your wellness needs.
By stimulating powerful acupuncture points with proven natural substances, we can affect the body on a deeper level and create a healing climate.